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"car parts outlet" Services in Baltimore, MD has been our specialty.

Baltimore, MD "car parts outlet" Services Done Right!
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If you need "car parts outlet" Services help..Call 248-646-1907
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About T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc.
T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. is an experienced group of manufacturers representatives with strong engineering backgrounds. T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. has extensive knowledge of the industry to help you with any car parts outlet needs and requirements in the Baltimore, MD area. Our knowledge of the industry and sales philosophy has helped our customers reach their goals. T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. has always prided itself with our strong ethics in sales and doing the best we can to help our customers to be their best with all their car parts outlet needs and requirements in the Baltimore, MD area. If you need assistance with any car parts outlet needs and requirements in the Baltimore, MD area please, call T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. at 248-646-1907 today!
What Makes Us Unique?
T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. was founded in 1987 and has been serving customers in the Baltimore, MD area ever since. T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. has always put the knowledge of car parts outlet products first. We want to educate and serve our customers with pride, so the more we know the more we can do to help our customers with their car parts outlet needs and requirements in the Baltimore, MD area. At T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. our philosophy has always been about presenting information with proven techniques that address our customers needs. If you need assistance with any car parts outlet needs and requirements in the Baltimore, MD area please, call T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc. at 248-646-1907 today!
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- Auto Supplies and Parts
Welcome to T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc.

Solid Surface repair can be easily done and are often more cost effective than replacing. Using a professional will ensure you get the right color and texture matching as well as using the newest and best products for the job.

Some Recent Projects
TS Brozek Collage

Contact T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc.

Thank you for visiting our car parts outlet website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our car parts outlet products or services.





T.S. Brozek, Inc.- International Automotive Assoc.
920 E Lincoln St Birmingham ,  MI   48009

We would love to solve your car parts outlet needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Baltimore, MD could.